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authormRnea <[email protected]>2024-08-08 17:13:29 +0300
committermRnea <[email protected]>2024-08-08 17:13:29 +0300
commit1056b74b115f2a0a5cdb6b05fffc6eb476fb1f3c (patch)
parentb2155903956b6ddf41ed64fccb4263858fff8d4f (diff)
Begin C code generation.
3 files changed, 169 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/assembly.lisp b/assembly.lisp
index 422ea6c..9cf7fca 100644
--- a/assembly.lisp
+++ b/assembly.lisp
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
(in-package :cl-forth)
-(defparameter *operations* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
(defparameter *psuedo-identifiers*
'(syscall-1 syscall-2 syscall-3 syscall-4 syscall-5 syscall-6)
"These do not map to operations directly, but are valid to lexer")
@@ -122,7 +120,7 @@
(reverse cur)))
- (defun expand-group (group out-stream &key (indent 4))
+ (defun expand-nasm-group (group out-stream &key (indent 4))
(destructuring-bind (syntax-type . forms) group
(case syntax-type
(:stack `((defop-format ,out-stream ,indent
@@ -140,14 +138,27 @@
(defun expand-nasm (out-stream indent body)
- (mapcan #'(lambda (group) (expand-group group out-stream
+ (mapcan #'(lambda (group) (expand-nasm-group group out-stream
:indent indent))
(group-by-syntax body)))
+ (defun expand-c-group (group out-stream &key (indent 4))
+ (destructuring-bind (syntax-type . forms) group
+ (case syntax-type
+ ((:stack :stack-extended) `((defop-format ,out-stream ,indent
+ ,(cons 'list
+ (c-stack->string (car forms))))))
+ (:string `((defop-format ,out-stream ,indent
+ ,(normalize-op-list forms)))))))
+ (defun expand-c (out-stream indent body)
+ (mapcan #'(lambda (group) (expand-c-group group out-stream :indent indent))
+ (group-by-syntax body)))
(defun expand-for-target (target out-stream body &optional (indent 4))
(case target
(:nasm (expand-nasm out-stream indent body))
- (:c '(nil))))
+ (:c (expand-c out-stream indent body))))
(defun expand-method (target out-stream indent op-name args body)
(with-gensyms (_op _args _target)
@@ -159,12 +170,67 @@
,@(if (null args)
(expand-for-target target out-stream body indent)
`((destructuring-bind ,args ,_args
- ,@(expand-for-target target out-stream body indent))))))))
+ ,@(expand-for-target target out-stream body indent)))))))
+ ;;hack, because there is no cl in C only nasm
+ (defun not-cl (sym)
+ (if (eq 'cl sym)
+ 'rcx
+ sym))
+ (defparameter *c-ops* '((:add "+")
+ (:sub "-")
+ (:shl "<<")
+ (:shr ">>")
+ (:or "|")
+ (:and "&")
+ (:< "<")
+ (:> ">")
+ (:= "==")))
+ (defun c-stack->string (stack)
+ (multiple-value-bind (prev next) (split-stack stack)
+ (let ((*print-case* :downcase))
+ (append (iter (for x in (reverse prev))
+ (collect (format nil "~a = pop(&stack);" x)))
+ (iter (for x in next)
+ (if (and (consp x) (assoc (car x) *c-ops*))
+ (destructuring-bind (op arg1 arg2 . conds) x
+ (let ((opstr (cadr (assoc op *c-ops*))))
+ (if (null conds)
+ (collect (format nil "push(&stack, ~a ~a ~a);"
+ arg1 opstr (not-cl arg2)))
+ (collect (format nil
+ "push(&stack, (~a ~a ~a) ? ~a : ~a);"
+ arg1 opstr (not-cl arg2)
+ (getf conds :ise)
+ (getf conds :değilse))))))
+ (collect (format nil "push(&stack, ~a);" x)))))))))
-(defgeneric write-op (target stream op args)
- (:documentation "Generate code for OP and ARGS and write it to STREAM according to the TARGET"))
+(defun comment-safe-str (str)
+ "Handle newlines for comment"
+ (with-output-to-string (new-str)
+ (iter (for ch in-string str with-index i)
+ (cond ((> i 10)
+ (princ "..." new-str)
+ (finish))
+ ((char= #\Newline ch)
+ (princ "\\n" new-str))
+ (t (write-char ch new-str))))))
-(defmacro defop (op-name+args (&key (indent 4) (lex t) (targets :nasm)
+(defgeneric write-op (target stream op args)
+ (:documentation "Generate code for OP and ARGS and write it to STREAM according to the TARGET. WRITE-OP methods are defined by the DEFOP macro.")
+ (:method :before ((target (eql :nasm)) stream op args)
+ (format stream " ;; -- ~s --~%"
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (stringp x) (comment-safe-str x) x))
+ (cons op args))))
+ (:method :before ((target (eql :c)) stream op args)
+ (format stream "~% /* ~s */~%"
+ ;; comment-safe is probably not necessary with multiline comments
+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (stringp x) (comment-safe-str x) x))
+ (cons op args)))))
+(defmacro defop (op-name+args (&key (indent 4) (lex t) (targets *targets*)
(as nil))
&body body)
(declare (ignorable indent))
@@ -173,9 +239,7 @@
,@(unless (null lex)
`((push ',op-name *identifiers*)))
- ,@(iter (for target in (if (eq :all targets)
- *targets*
- (mklist targets)))
+ ,@(iter (for target in (mklist targets))
(collect (expand-method target out-stream indent
(if (null as) op-name as)
args body)))))))
@@ -207,9 +271,6 @@
(defop > ()
(rax rbx -- (:> rax rbx :ise 1 :değilse 0)))
-(defop bel ()
- ( -- bel))
(defop üst ()
(rbx rax -- rbx rax rbx))
@@ -231,91 +292,70 @@
(defop & ()
(rbx rax -- (:and rbx rax)))
-(defop oku ()
+;;; NASM operations
+(defop bel (:targets :nasm)
+ ( -- bel))
+(defop oku (:targets :nasm)
(rax -- )
(:xor rbx rbx)
(:mov bl [rax])
( -- rbx))
-(defop yaz ()
+(defop yaz (:targets :nasm)
(rax rbx -- )
(:mov [rax] bl))
;; ( -- a)
-(defop (push-int a) (:lex nil)
+(defop (push-int a) (:lex nil :targets :nasm)
("push ~d" a))
-(defop (push-str len addr str) (:lex nil)
+(defop (push-str len addr str) (:lex nil :targets :nasm)
(progn (:write ("push ~d" len)
("push str_~d" addr))
(list :string addr str)))
-(defop dump ()
+(defop dump (:targets :nasm)
"pop rdi"
"call dump")
-(defop (exit code) (:lex nil)
+(defop (exit code) (:lex nil :targets :nasm)
"mov rax, 60"
("mov rdi, ~a" code)
-(defop (ise label-num) ()
+(defop (ise label-num) (:targets :nasm)
"pop rax"
"test rax, rax"
("jz et_~a" label-num))
-(defop (yoksa yap-num ise-num) (:indent 0)
+(defop (yoksa yap-num ise-num) (:indent 0 :targets :nasm)
(" jmp et_~a" yap-num)
("et_~a:" ise-num))
-(defop (yap label-num &optional döngü-num) (:indent 0)
+(defop (yap label-num &optional döngü-num) (:indent 0 :targets :nasm)
(if (null döngü-num)
(:write ("et_~a:" label-num))
(:write (" jmp et_~a" döngü-num)
("et_~a:" label-num))))
-(defop (iken label-num) ()
+(defop (iken label-num) (:targets :nasm)
"pop rax"
"test rax, rax"
("jz et_~a" label-num))
-(defop (döngü label-num) (:indent 0)
+(defop (döngü label-num) (:indent 0 :targets :nasm)
("et_~a:" label-num))
-(defop (syscall num) (:lex nil)
+(defop (syscall num) (:lex nil :targets :nasm)
(iter (with call-regs = #("rdi" "rsi" "rdx" "r10" "r8" "r9"))
(initially (:write "pop rax"))
(for i from (- num 1) downto 0)
(:write ("pop ~a" (aref call-regs i)))
(finally (:write "syscall"))))
-(defun comment-safe-str (str)
- "Handle newlines for asm comment"
- (with-output-to-string (new-str)
- (iter (for ch in-string str with-index i)
- (cond ((> i 10)
- (princ "..." new-str)
- (finish))
- ((char= #\Newline ch)
- (princ "\\n" new-str))
- (t (write-char ch new-str))))))
-(defun gen-header (op str)
- (format str " ;; -- ~s --~%"
- (mapcar (lambda (x) (if (stringp x) (comment-safe-str x) x))
- op)))
-;; (defun gen-code (op str)
-;; (let ((op-fn (gethash (string (car op)) *operations*)))
-;; (when (null op-fn)
-;; (error "~s is not a valid op" op))
-;; (gen-header op str)
-;; (apply op-fn str (cdr op))))
-(defun gen-code (op str)
- (gen-header op str)
- (write-op :nasm str (car op) (cdr op)))
(defun gen-dump (str)
(format str "~{~a~%~}"
@@ -351,3 +391,14 @@
" syscall"
" add rsp, 40"
" ret")))
+;;; C operations
+(defop (push-int a) (:lex nil :targets :c)
+ ("push(&stack, ~d);" a))
+;; (defop (push-str a) (:lex nil :targets :c)
+;; ("push(&stack, ~d);" a))
+(defop dump (:targets :c)
+ ("printf(\"%d\\n\", pop(&stack));"))
diff --git a/cl-forth.lisp b/cl-forth.lisp
index ec7927f..66327e5 100644
--- a/cl-forth.lisp
+++ b/cl-forth.lisp
@@ -164,38 +164,81 @@
(parse-tokens tokens)))
-(defun write-program (program out &key (mem-cap 640000))
+;;(defgeneric write-program (target program stream))
+(defmethod write-program ((target (eql :nasm)) program out
+ &key (mem-cap 640000))
(format out "~a~%" "segment .text")
(gen-dump out)
(format out "~{~a~%~}" '("global _start"
(let ((strs nil))
(iter (for op in-sequence program)
- (let ((gen-val (gen-code op out)))
+ (let ((gen-val (write-op target out (car op) (cdr op))))
(when (and (consp gen-val) (eq :string (car gen-val)))
(push (cdr gen-val) strs))))
- (gen-code '(:exit 0) out)
- (unless (null strs)
- (format out "segment .data~%")
- (dolist (str strs)
- (format out "str_~a: db ~{0x~x~^,~}~%"
- (first str)
- (map 'list #'char-code (second str))))))
+ (write-op target out :exit '(0))
+ (unless (null strs)
+ (format out "segment .data~%")
+ (dolist (str strs)
+ (format out "str_~a: db ~{0x~x~^,~}~%"
+ (first str)
+ (map 'list #'char-code (second str))))))
(format out "~a~%" "segment .bss")
(format out "~a ~a~%" "bel: resb" mem-cap))
-(defun generate-program (program &key (path "output.asm") (compile nil)
- (mem-cap 640000) (silence nil))
- (with-open-file (out path :direction :output
- :if-exists :supersede)
- (write-program program out :mem-cap mem-cap))
+(defmethod write-program ((target (eql :c)) program out &key (mem-cap 640000))
+ (declare (ignore mem-cap))
+ (format out
+ "#include <stdio.h>
+struct Stack {
+ int content[100];
+ int i;
+typedef struct Stack Stack;
+void push(Stack* stack, int val){
+ stack->content[stack->i] = val;
+ stack->i += 1;
+int pop(Stack* stack){
+ stack->i -= 1;
+ return stack->content[stack->i];
+Stack stack;
+int rax, rbx;
+int main(void){
+ stack.i = 0;
+ (iter (for op in-sequence program)
+ (write-op target out (car op) (cdr op)))
+ (format out " return 0;~%}~%"))
+(defun generate-program (program
+ &key (path "output.asm") (compile nil)
+ (mem-cap 640000) (silence nil) (target :nasm))
+ (with-open-file (out path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
+ (write-program target program out :mem-cap mem-cap))
(when compile
- (run `("nasm" "-felf64" ,path) :output t :silence silence)
- (let ((name (first (uiop:split-string path :separator '(#\.)))))
- (run `("ld" "-o" ,name ,(concatenate 'string name ".o"))
- :output t :silence silence))))
+ (compile-program target path silence)))
+(defgeneric compile-program (target path silence))
+(setf (documentation #'compile-program 'function)
+ (format nil "Produces the executable from source code, targets are ~a"
+ *targets*))
+(defmethod compile-program ((target (eql :nasm)) path silence)
+ (run `("nasm" "-felf64" ,path) :output t :silence silence)
+ (let ((name (first (uiop:split-string path :separator '(#\.)))))
+ (run `("ld" "-o" ,name ,(concatenate 'string name ".o"))
+ :output t :silence silence)))
+(defmethod compile-program ((target (eql :c)) path silence)
+ (run `("gcc" ,path) :output t :silence silence))
-(defun compile-program (path)
- (generate-program (make-program path) :compile t))
diff --git a/main.lisp b/main.lisp
index 0b29edb..182d748 100644
--- a/main.lisp
+++ b/main.lisp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
;; (let ((program (prog-from-tokens tokens)))
;; (format t "~s~%" program)
;; (generate-program program :compile t)))
- (compile-program (second args)))
+ (generate-program (make-program (second args)) :compile t))
((string= flag "-i")
(interpret-program (make-program (second args))))
((string= flag "-p")