(in-package :cl-forth) (defparameter *operations* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) (defparameter *psuedo-identifiers* '(syscall-1 syscall-2 syscall-3 syscall-4 syscall-5 syscall-6) "These do not map to operations directly, but are valid to lexer") (defparameter *identifiers* ()) ;; '(+ - dump = ise yoksa yap eş push değiş üst rot düş döngü iken < > ;; bel oku yaz >> << & "|") (defun is-identifier (sym) (or (find sym *identifiers* :test #'string=) (find sym *psuedo-identifiers* :test #'string=))) (eval-always (defun normalize-op-list (asm-list) (cons 'list (mapcar (lambda (el) (cond ((stringp el) el) ((listp el) `(format nil ,@el)))) asm-list))) (defun defop-format (str space-num asm-list) (format str (format nil "~~{~a~~a~~%~~}" (make-string space-num :initial-element #\Space)) asm-list)) (defun replace-write (out-stream indent forms) (if (consp forms) (if (eq :write (car forms)) `(defop-format ,out-stream ,indent ,(normalize-op-list (cdr forms))) (cons (replace-write out-stream indent (car forms)) (replace-write out-stream indent (cdr forms)))) forms)) (defun add-indent (indent fmt-string) (format nil "~a~a" (make-string indent :initial-element #\Space) fmt-string)) (defun split-stack (stack) (let ((split-num (position '-- stack))) (values (butlast stack (- (length stack) split-num)) (nthcdr (+ 1 split-num) stack)))) (defun op->string (asm-instruction &key (push? t)) "asm-instruction is something like (:add rax rbx)" (destructuring-bind (op arg1 arg2) asm-instruction (let ((*print-case* :downcase)) (if (null push?) (format nil (format nil "~a ~a, ~a" op arg1 arg2)) (list (format nil "~a ~a, ~a" op arg1 arg2) (format nil "push ~a" arg1)))))) (defun stack->string (stack) (multiple-value-bind (prev next) (split-stack stack) (let ((*print-case* :downcase)) (append (iter (for sym in (reverse prev)) (collect (format nil "pop ~a" sym))) (iter (for form in next) (cond ((symbolp form) (appending (list (format nil "push ~a" form)))) ((listp form) (appending (op->string form))))))))) (defun syntax-of (form) (cond ((or (stringp form) (and (consp form) (stringp (car form)))) :string) ((and (listp form) (find '-- form)) :stack) ((and (listp form) (keywordp (car form))) :op) (t :general))) (defun group-by-syntax (forms &optional (syntax nil) (cur ()) (acc ())) (when (null forms) (return-from group-by-syntax (cdr (reverse (append (list (cons (syntax-of (car cur)) (reverse cur))) acc))))) (let* ((form (car forms)) (form-syntax (syntax-of form))) (cond ((eq syntax form-syntax) (group-by-syntax (cdr forms) syntax (cons form cur) acc)) (t (group-by-syntax (cdr forms) form-syntax (list form) (append (list (cons syntax (reverse cur))) acc)))))) (defun expand-group (group out-stream &key (indent 4)) (destructuring-bind (syntax-type . forms) group (case syntax-type (:stack `(defop-format ,out-stream ,indent ,(cons 'list (mapcan (lambda (form) (stack->string form)) forms)))) (:op `(defop-format ,out-stream ,indent ,(cons 'list (mapcar (lambda (form) (op->string form :push? nil)) forms)))) (:string `(defop-format ,out-stream ,indent ,(normalize-op-list forms))) (:general `(progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (form) (replace-write out-stream indent form)) forms))))))) (defmacro defop (op-name+args (&key (indent 4) (lex t)) &body body) (with-gensyms (out-stream) (destructuring-bind (op-name . args) (mklist op-name+args) `(progn ,@(unless (null lex) `((push ',op-name *identifiers*))) (setf (gethash ,(string op-name) *operations*) (lambda (,out-stream ,@args) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (group) (expand-group group out-stream :indent indent)) (group-by-syntax body)))))))) ;;; TODO: Turn stack operation comments to DEFOP option, ;;; which then can be used by the user as a documentation ;;; DONE: Better yet, generate the asm code directly from ;;; the stack op documentation (this seems easily doable) ;;; Hopefully these two are done, need testing... ;; ( -- a) (defop (push a) (:lex nil) ("push ~d" a)) (defop + () (rbx rax -- (:add rax rbx))) (defop - () (rbx rax -- (:sub rbx rax))) (defop = () (:mov rcx 0) (:mov rdx 1) (rbx rax -- ) (:cmp rax rbx) ( -- (:cmove rcx rdx))) (defop eş () (rax -- rax rax)) (defop düş () (rax -- )) (defop < () (:mov rcx 0) (:mov rdx 1) (rax rbx -- ) (:cmp rax rbx) ( -- (:cmovl rcx rdx))) (defop > () (:mov rcx 0) (:mov rdx 1) (rax rbx -- ) (:cmp rax rbx) ( -- (:cmovg rcx rdx))) (defop bel () ( -- bel)) (defop oku () (rax -- ) (:xor rbx rbx) (:mov bl [rax]) ( -- rbx)) (defop yaz () (rax rbx -- ) (:mov [rax] bl)) (defop üst () (rbx rax -- rbx rax rbx)) (defop rot () (rcx rbx rax -- rbx rax rcx)) (defop değiş () (rbx rax -- rax rbx)) (defop << () (rbx rcx -- (:shl rbx cl))) (defop >> () (rbx rcx -- (:shr rbx cl))) (defop "|" () (rbx rax -- (:or rbx rax))) (defop & () (rbx rax -- (:and rbx rax))) (defop dump () "pop rdi" "call dump") (defop (exit code) (:lex nil) "mov rax, 60" ("mov rdi, ~a" code) "syscall") (defop (ise label-num) () "pop rax" "test rax, rax" ("jz et_~a" label-num)) (defop (yoksa yap-num ise-num) (:indent 0) (" jmp et_~a" yap-num) ("et_~a:" ise-num)) (defop (yap label-num &optional döngü-num) (:indent 0) (if (null döngü-num) (:write ("et_~a:" label-num)) (:write (" jmp et_~a" döngü-num) ("et_~a:" label-num)))) (defop (iken label-num) () "pop rax" "test rax, rax" ("jz et_~a" label-num)) (defop (döngü label-num) (:indent 0) ("et_~a:" label-num)) (defop (syscall num) (:lex nil) (iter (with call-regs = #("rdi" "rsi" "rdx" "r10" "r8" "r9")) (initially (:write "pop rax")) (for i from (- num 1) downto 0) (:write ("pop ~a" (aref call-regs i))) (finally (:write "syscall")))) (defun gen-header (op str) (format str " ;; -- ~s --~%" op)) (defun gen-code (op str) (let ((op-fn (gethash (string (car op)) *operations*))) (if (null op-fn) (error "~s is not a valid op" op) (apply op-fn str (cdr op))))) (defun gen-dump (str) (format str "~{~a~%~}" '("dump:" " mov r9, -3689348814741910323" " sub rsp, 40" " mov BYTE [rsp+31], 10" " lea rcx, [rsp+30]" ".L2:" " mov rax, rdi" " lea r8, [rsp+32]" " mul r9" " mov rax, rdi" " sub r8, rcx" " shr rdx, 3" " lea rsi, [rdx+rdx*4]" " add rsi, rsi" " sub rax, rsi" " add eax, 48" " mov BYTE [rcx], al" " mov rax, rdi" " mov rdi, rdx" " mov rdx, rcx" " sub rcx, 1" " cmp rax, 9" " ja .L2" " lea rax, [rsp+32]" " mov edi, 1" " sub rdx, rax" " xor eax, eax" " lea rsi, [rsp+32+rdx]" " mov rdx, r8" " mov rax, 1" " syscall" " add rsp, 40" " ret")))